Saturday, June 29, 2019

Landfills and the Environment:

There is so much talk in the developed nations about recycling and reducing the filling of landfills, and even ceasing to use landfills as in the philosophy of "zero waste", that it is easy for us in the west to forget what is happening elsewhere. It is a fact that with rising global affluence, landfills are being built ever faster around the world as whole, and ever bigger, to take the still rising tide of man's waste.

In the industrializing nations there is far less regulation of landfills than in the developed countries, and although in nations such as the US, and throughout the European Union, the law in the form of each nation's Waste Regulations requires all landfills to be lined and capped as "containment" landfills, the same does not apply in most less developed countries.

Those people that are choosing landfill site locations in the developing nations have more freedom to either damage, or protect the environment, and that is why it is so important that they consider landfills and the environment from the start of their landfill project.
The main impacts that a landfill can potentially have on the environment come under the following headings:

landfill gas emissions and dust to the air as a local problem with odours etc

landfill gas seeping out sideways from a landfill - which could get into houses etc

landfill gas getting out into the atmosphere where scientists believe it will add to the greenhouse effect that is causing global warming

landfill "garbage juice" or "leachate" - dirty rainwater which seeps through the waste - and can badly pollute groundwater when it seeps into the ground

leachate which can break-out of landfill sides and pollute nearby rivers and streams
dust, which can possibly contain infectious agents
noise from the landfilling activity

birds which can spread disease and move between suburban gardens and open tip faces.

Now, that's a pretty big list of possible negative effects of landfills on the environment. You would think that it would be best to just completely contain them seal them up (at huge cost) like a huge garbage big, with a lined floor and a sealed cap on top.

But it isn't necessarily. You could just let the rainwater that falls, run through them and out of the bottom, and if the bottom was build like a big biological filter the environment around the landfill would never be harmed.

To find out more about landfills, visit the responsible landfill design blog article page, which we think you will find is well worth a visit for EVERYONE planning a new landfill.

NewGen RNG is focused on removing the harmful pollution of industrialized and commercialized transportation from ever getting produced. This includes semi trucks, heavy machinery, garbage trucks, medium to light duty delivery trucks, and many others. But converting the use of fossil fuels into renewable cng, the benefit is tremendous to our local cities, and country.

Our Solution

Our solution is simple, find and develop landfills, dairies, cattle ranches, pig farms, and other single stream waste gas potential, build state of the art waste gas upgrading facilities, produce millions of gallons of renewable natural gas, and get it to the companies that need it the most.

Read more about us here: Renewable Natural Gas - Renewable CNG